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PostPosted: 16/02/2007 13:05 

Joined: 10/02/2007 13:00
Posts: 26
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Are careva raspunsurile la grila de la Testul asta? Am vreo jumatate din ele, dar vroiam sa vad si cu restul, poate le avea careva, macar sa ne consultam. :unsure:



 Post subject: LEC ??
PostPosted: 16/02/2007 21:27 

Joined: 16/02/2007 21:18
Posts: 10
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Am nevoie urgent de subiectele de la Limba engleza contemporana an III sem I ID. Are cineva ceva ?[/i][/b]

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 17/02/2007 13:55 

Joined: 10/02/2007 13:00
Posts: 26
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Well, join the club!!!!! Si eu le-as vrea, dar vad ca slabe sanse. Nimeni nu vrea sa faca nici un pas.

 Post subject: Resemnare...
PostPosted: 17/02/2007 13:58 

Joined: 16/02/2007 21:18
Posts: 10
Reputation point: 0
OK, stau acasa si ma pregatesc pt restanta!! :whistle:

 Post subject: si eu
PostPosted: 17/02/2007 17:50 

Joined: 10/02/2007 13:00
Posts: 26
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Si eu asemeni. Mi-au nimerit niste intrebari dezastru. Si 20 la numar. Sper ca macar pentru la restanta sa le am si sa o iau macar pe aia. Apropo, stie careva cum sunt intrebarile la restante? Mai usoare sau mai grele ca cele la examenul din sesiune?

 Post subject: Re: si eu
PostPosted: 17/02/2007 17:59 

Joined: 16/02/2007 21:18
Posts: 10
Reputation point: 0
Habar nu am ! Eu ma gandeam ca poate sunt tot aceleasi subiecte!! :) La mine urmeaza CP - E. Poate ne consultam ...

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 17/02/2007 19:03 

Joined: 14/02/2007 11:23
Posts: 5
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Si pentru mine la fel. Tot cursul practic elgleza. Am reusit sa iau engleza contemporana. Destul de greu mi s-a parut. De maine ma apuc de practica.Daca aflu ceva postez. O seara buna

When I was born , I was so shocked that I couldn't speak almost an year.

 Post subject: LEC anul III
PostPosted: 17/02/2007 22:37 

Joined: 17/02/2007 22:20
Posts: 31
Reputation point: 0
Buna sunt angi va salut si va urez bafta , sunt la LLR -engleza anul III , aici am cateva rezolvari la LEC - semantica ,daca are cineva si restul sa se indur de mine . Nu sunt sigura de rezolvari ,dar sper ca 80% e OK. Sper sa va fie de folos . Daca aveti ceva facut ar fi bine venita o completare .... :-) sau si raspunsul la alte discipline la lb. engleza

1) Choose the correct variant:
As far as the forming of the plural is concerned, the morphological behaviour of a compound
lexeme depends upon:
e) the number of its components
2) Which of the following signs may acquire different references when used by various speakers?
c) homeland
3) Choose the correct variant:
The graphically recorded indications of a seismograph are:
c) an iconic sign
4) Choose the correct variant:
The syntagm stone deaf is part of:
b) the semantic field of stone
5) Choose the correct variant:
The fact that classemes tend to be lexicalised is demonstrated by:
a) the existence of irregular plurals like children or oxen
b) the existence of irregular gradable adjectives like good – better – the best
c) the existence of a commonly shared across an entire field feature like [+ animate]
d) the existence of the commonly shared suffix -en with verbs like to darken, to strengthen,
to broaden, etc
e) the existence of a relation of oppositeness of meaning with pairs like to whiten / to blacken
6) Choose the correct variant:
A bar code on the wrapping of a product is:
c) a symbolic (conventional) sign
7) Which of the following affixes cannot entail a negative meaning?
8) Which of the following statements is correct?
c) Semantic fields are perfectly homogeneous.
9) Choose the correct variant:
The string Towards the end of World War II, many British ships were equipped with an
ASDIC, a device which can be justly considered as the precursor of the sonar. demonstrates
c) ASDIC (Allied Submarine Detection Investigation Committee) is an indexic sign
10) Which of the following signs does not have the same reference (≈ referent) as the other four?
a) the author of The Adventures of Gordon Pym
11) Which of the following series of terms is not a taxonomy?
a) coal: boghead coal, lignite (brown coal), bituminous coals (subbituminous, bituminous,
c) microwave oven: power supply unit, magnetron (cathode, anode), magnetron control
circuit (with micro-controller microprocessor), waveguide, cooking chamber, control
12) Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant:
Together with their actual productive output of linguistic expressions, the native speakers’
___ are principal sources in constituting the body of primary data that the empirical study of
Lexical Semantics needs.
c) intuitive semantic judgements of various linguistic materials
13) Which of the following lexemes is a case of blending?
d) kaleidovision
14) Choose the correct variant:
Within the componential analysis of the verb to rain, the feature [+ impersonal verb] acts:
d) simultaneously as a marker and as a semantic marker
15) Choose the correct variant:
The ‘individual’ is one of the central concepts in:
c) Logical Semantics
16) Choose the correct variant:
The string His new and expensive boat is the pearl of this picturesque but shabby marina.
e) an instance of secondary iconicity
17) Choose the correct variant:
The following example:
flask: 1) a) a bottle, usually of glass, of spheroidal or bulbous shape, with a long
narrow neck (also more fully Florence flask)
b) a similar vessel for use in a laboratory
c) the contents or capacity of a flask; a definite quantity of liquid
2) a bottle of glass or metal (usually furnished with a screw-top, and – when
made of glass – encased in leather for protection), somewhat flat in
shape, and of a size suitable to be carried in the pocket, which is intended
to contain a supply of wine or other beverage for use on a journey
3) a) (founding) a frame or box used to hold a portion of the mould for
b) (dentistry) a sectional metal container for holding a denture during
4) (dialectal) a kind of basket
5) (attributive and combinations) as flask-case, -glass, -shaped; also,
flask-leather, a fastening for a powder-flask; flask-shell, a mollusc
whose shell is flask-shaped
(adapted after Oxford English Dictionary Online, copyright © Oxford University Press, 2005)
is an instance of:
a) a conceptual field 4
b) a lexical field 2
c) a semantic field 1
d) a family of words 5
e) none of the four above 3
18) Which of the following statements is incorrect?
d) According to the realistic approaches to Semantics, meanings are extra-mental entities.
19) Which of the following signs is capable of signification irrespectively of the existence / nonexistence
of its object?
d) the indicator paper turning red when in contact with a liquid
20) Choose the correct variant:
Frege’s claim that identity (similitude) of sense triggers identity of reference can be
illustrated by:
e) the four signs above
21) Which of the following affixes has two homonymous variants, out of which one is inflectional,
and the other one is lexical?
d) -er
22) Choose the correct variant:
The claim that signs have dynamic properties refers to:
e) their representing a cause triggering the occurrence of other (in their turn, semiotic) events
23) Choose the correct variant:
The following example:
OE steorfan, ME sterven = to suffer complete and permanent cessation of all vital
functions, to come to the end of one’s life, to die
LME sterven = to die of hunger
ModE to starve = to suffer severe, chronic (and sometimes lethal) malnutrition; to be
very hungry
is an illustration of the semantic change process(es) of:
e) narrowing and elevation
24) Choose the correct variant:
Within the componential analysis of the lexeme leech, the feature [+ blood-sucking] acts:
b) as a distinguisher
25) Which of the following items represents the content-substance underlying the sign satellite?
e) the natural or artificial entities revolving round a planet, and our knowledge of them
26) Which of the following verbs of visual perception most appropriately corresponds to a tentative
componential analysis featuring the semes [- durative], [+ instantaneous], [+ mere sensorial
perception], [- mental processing], [± furtively], [- fixedly], [- systematically], [- emotionally
connotated], [+ also used figuratively]?
e) to glance
27) Choose the correct variant:
The lexeme marathon is the result of:
b) both coining and extension
28) Choose the correct variant:
The series pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine (duodenum, jejunum, ileum)
b) a part of a segmental meronomy
29) Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant:
Single-criterion concepts ___ describe the referent.
b) fully
30) Choose the correct variant:
The following example:
18 c. avatár = the descend of a deity to the earth in an incarnate form
19 c. avatar = manifestation in human form; incarnation; manifestation or
presentation to the world as a ruling power or object of worship
19-20 c. avatar = manifestation; display; phase
is an illustration of the semantic change process(es) of:
d) amelioration
31) Which of the following lexemes is an illustration of coining?
d) famine
32) Choose the correct variant:
Typically, Semantics is not conferred a central role in:
a) traditional grammar
33) Choose the correct variant:
One of the fallacies of the descriptivist account of reference resides in the fact that a typical
definitional mechanism would fail to pick up referents like:
a) tight shirts
34) Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant:
When confronted with the author’s own postulations regarding the requirements that a
scientific theory has to meet, Hjelmslev’s glossematic model appears ___ .
d) to be non-contradictory and exhaustive, yet not simple
35) Choose the correct variant:
Lexemes are more resistant to change than:
b) the associated to them sememes
36) Which of the following signs can illustrate the one-to-many correlation in the sign – referent
c) Great-grandfather
37) Choose the correct variant:
The string The snake was hissing menacingly. contains an instance of:
e) onomatopoeic iconicity
38) Which of the following pairs is an instance of hyponymy?
c) aristocrat / count
39) Choose the correct variant:
The noun kingdom is not:
b) a stem
40) Which of the following verbs of light most appropriately corresponds to a tentative
componential analysis featuring the semes [+ intermittently], [± emitting light], [± reflecting
light], [- intense light], [+ lustre], [- incandescence], [+ referring to water], [- referring to eyes],
[- referring to cheeks], [- referring to stars], [± also used figuratively]?
d) to glitter
41) Which of the following lexemes is the result of both prefixation and back-clipping?
a) undergrad
42) Choose the correct statement:
a) The content dimension of a lexeme is integrally rendered by its componential definition.
43) Choose the correct variant:
The string The car in front of me suddenly pressed the brakes and skidded laterally.
a) an illustration of the fact that there can be signs without a referent
44) Choose the correct variant:
The string When the meat is almost cooked, you have to add the diced vegetables, and
afterwards the tomato sauce. contains an instance of:
d) extension
45) Choose the correct variant:
Within the componential analysis of the verb to cease, the feature [+ ergative] is:
c) a semantic marker
46) Choose the correct variant:
The following example:
17 c. Parea, 17-18 c. Paria = a member of a tribe in South India, originally
functioning notably as sorcerors and ceremonial drummers, and also as labourers and
servants, but later increasingly as “untouchables” in insanitary occupations
19-20 c. pariah = member of any low caste; a person of no caste; a member of a
despised class of any kind; someone or something shunned or avoided; a social
(adapted after Oxford English Dictionary Online, copyright © Oxford University Press, 2005)
is an illustration of the semantic change process(es) of:
d) pejoration and specialisation
47) Choose the correct variant:
The meanings of solution in There were several salts dissolved in that solution., and in As a
result of the violent contact with the sharp edge of the box, the skin on his ankle presented a
two-inch contiguity solution. illustrate:
d) the relation of enantiosemy
48) Which of the following affixes can trigger two different changes of word-class?
49) Choose the correct variant:
A schoolboy’s coming home having a black eye, several other bruises and scratches, torn
and dirty clothes is:
c) an indexic sign with additional iconic values
50) Choose the correct variant:
The following example:
ME cork = the outer bark of the cork oak (a Mediterranean tree)
LME, ModE cork = the bark of a tree; the material itself (light, soft, and porous)
having various uses; a particular product made of this material or of other materials
(e.g. plastic), which is used for closing the opening of a bottle
is an illustration of the semantic change process(es) of:
c) narrowing and pejoration
51) In which of the following domains the study of cognitive processes stands as one of the central
c) Psychology
52) Choose the correct variant:
The fact that the position of an indicator needle on a control panel can signify (i.e. supply
information about) the pressure of a fluid in a container can serve as an illustration of:
e) the nature of signs as entities that have to involve relations to other sorts of things
53) Which of the following series of terms is not a meronomy?
b) US: New England, The Mid-Atlantic, The South, The Midwest, The Southwest, The West
54) Choose the correct variant:
The feature [+ cards] within the componential analysis of the verb to shuffle functions as:
e) none of the four above
55) Which of the following models (theories) of the (linguistic) sign most ambiguously deals with
a) Saussure’s model
56) Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant:
The concepts ___ can be both employed in analytic statements.
b) rubber and glue
57) Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant:
The lexeme ___ illustrates the fact that the suffix -ling may in some cases behave as a classchanging
a) weakling
d) earthling
58) Choose the correct variant:
The syntagm thin ice within the string To lie to your employer is to skate on thin ice. pertains
c) the semantic field of ice
59) Which of the following items is an instance of acronymy?
e) each of the four items above
60) Choose the correct variant:
The fact that a four-year-old child’s, a housewife’s, and an entomologist’s views on spiders
may significantly differ stands as an argument supporting:
c) an a priori definition of the concept
61) Which of the following pairs is an instance of lexical relatedness?
d) drop – droplet
62) Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant:
The most difficult problem to be solved by a non-psychological account of sign-action is
___, and, by doing this, not to alter the concept of ‘sign’ itself.
e) to avoid resorting to the intervention of a human brain
63) Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant:
Hyperonyms are ___ than holonyms.
a) typically, simpler terms
64) Choose the correct variant:
The following example:
OE heofon, ME heven = sky
ModE heaven = the place (somewhere up in the sky) where God and angels live; the
place where the souls of good people go; the land of happiness; extremely pleasant
place or enjoyable situation
is an illustration of the semantic change process(es) of:
d) pejoration
65) Choose the correct variant:
The collocation from cradle to the grave is an instance of:
d) metonymy
66) Which is the extension of the designator Salieri envied Mozart.?
a) the existence in the real world of an actual individual entity called Mozart (1756-1791)
67) Which of the following lexemes is the result of back-clipping?
a) none of the four below
68) Which of the following construals of (linguistic) sign-action is not resolvable into, and does not
resort to any dichotomy?
a) Peirce’s theory of signs
69) Which of the following pairs is not an illustration of a hierarchical sense relation?
e) radiator / antifreeze
70) Choose the correct variant:
The suffix -ous can attach to:
c) poison
71) Choose the correct variant:
A de re reading of a concept entails:
d) all the three above
72) Which of the following verbs of cutting most appropriately corresponds to a tentative
componential analysis featuring the semes [+ wood, stone], [- meat], [± into thin portions],
[- into small pieces], [- disintegrating], [- at the edges], [- engraving], [± using a special device],
[+ also used figuratively]?
c) to chop
73) Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant:
Signs are generically defined by ___ as meaningful stimulus patterns.
c) structuralists
74) Which of the following pairs is an instance of converseness?
b) present / absent
75) Which of the following signs can stand as an illustration of Frege’s first thesis?
a) Bacchus
76) Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant:
A direction in which the cognitivistic program still has to overcome some evinced till now
limitations is the one concerning ___ .
e) the social aspects of language
77) Which of the following lexemes is not a loanword?
a) adagio
78) Choose the correct variant:
The string Some of the children were noisily running up and down the stairs. contains a
collocation which illustrates:
d) the possibility for lexical items in a field to be syntagmatically related
79) Which of the following signs does not share the same sense and reference with the other four?
a) craft
80) Choose the correct statement:
c) The feature [± human] is a distinguisher.
81) Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant:
According to ___, the features specified by the sense of a sign suffice for the users to
successfully refer to the corresponding in extra-linguistic reality objects.
c) the internal account of reference
e) the external account of reference ??????
82) Which of the following pairs is not a synonymic one?
a) ludicrous / emetic
83) Which of the following signs is not an indexic one?
a) someone’s waving of a white flag after a battle
84) Choose the correct variant:
In principle, and considering also the thesis of the non-existence of perfect synonyms, a
given sememe should uniquely correspond to:
d) a certain lexeme
85) Which of the following lexemes is both a borrowed word, and a word which has undergone (in
Anglophone usage) a semantic change process of pejoration?
c) loch
86) Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant:
The actual presence in somebody’s psyche of a state of beneficial or destructive
determination in achieving a certain goal represents ___ ambition.
d) an extension of the individual expression
87) Choose the correct variant:
The use of own goal within the string Being so busy trying to harm the others, she has
neglected her very interests, and ruined her reputation, thus scoring an own goal. is part of:
e) the semantic field of goal
88) Choose the correct variant:
The interdisciplinary bias of semantic studies represents:
e) a complexly influential factor in what concerns the scope, methodology, and theoretical
perspectives of the domain
89) Choose the correct variant:
The encircled figure ‘16’ in the right lower corner of the TV screen is:
d) an iconic sign
90) Choose the correct variant:
The terms pop, dance, disco, blues, soul, reggae, country, jazz, metal, techno, rave, etc are
d) a relation of co-hyponymy
91) Which of the following signs cannot stand as an illustration of Frege’s first thesis?
e) Quetzalcóatl
92) Choose the correct variant:
A conceptual field can be construed as:
a) a cross-linguistic invariant
93) Choose the correct variant:
The following example:
OE fóstrian, féstr(i)an = to supply with food or nourishment; to nourish, feed,
EME foster = to bring up (a child) with parental care; often, to bring up as a fosterchild,
be a foster-parent; to encourage or help to grow; to promote the growth of (a
fire, plant, etc)
ME foster = to “nurse”, tend with affectionate care; to cherish, keep warm (in the
bosom); to bring up, educate, nurture in (beliefs, habits, etc); (also fig. about a
country, etc)
LME foster = to encourage, indulge in a habit, etc; to encourage, cherish, harbour
fondly, nurse (a feeling, etc); to encourage, promote the development of; (about
things, circumstances) to be favourable or conducive to
ModE to foster = (to a certain extent) the previously listed meanings; ~ out, to put (a
child) into the care of foster parents
(adapted after Oxford English Dictionary Online, copyright © Oxford University Press, 2005)
is an illustration of the semantic change process(es) of:
d) broadening and elevation
94) Choose the correct variant:
The concept wormhole can occur:
d) in synthetic statements, as either a multiple- or a law-criterion concept
95) Choose the correct variant:
The verb to enact is the result of:
d) class-changing prefixation and back-clipping
96) Which of the following pairs is an instance of partonymy?
c) trade / agriculture
97) Choose the correct variant:
The many-to-one sign – referent correlation can be illustrated by:
d) the three signs above
98) Choose the correct variant:
The small hearts on Valentine’s Day postcards are to be interpreted as:
c) signs having both symbolic and indexic values
99) Which of the following items is the intension of the designator Enola Gay?
d) ‘the plane that carried the first atomic bomb, and which was named after the commander’s
100) Which of the following lexemes is always used metaphorically?
c) bloodbath
101) Choose the correct variant:
The presence of a reddish-brown with metallic lustre deposit on the rock out of which a
stream is springing is:
b) an indexic sign
102) Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant:
The sense of pitch in It was pitch dark. is included in ___ of the lexeme in question.
a) the conceptual field
b) the semantic marker
c) the grammatical paradigm
d) the expression dimension
e) the semantic field
103) Which of the following lexemes features a different from the other four word formation pattern?
a) Guinea pig
104) Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant:
In Fregean terms, for an entity to be the referent of a sign implies that it satisfies at least
some of the properties specified by ___ of the sign in question.
c) the sense
105) Which of the following pairs is an instance of incompatibility?
a) fashion / aphasia
106) Which of the following concepts does not exclude from its scope the denotatum (object)?
b) Fregean ‘reference’
107) Choose the correct variant:
Cognitivistic approaches to Semantics typically operate with:
e) mental image-schemas
108) Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant:
The term jewel is ___ including brooch, bracelet, necklace, ring, earring, etc.
b) the holonym of a meronomy

PostPosted: 17/02/2007 22:41 

Joined: 17/02/2007 22:20
Posts: 31
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bbseptik wrote:
Are careva raspunsurile la grila de la Testul asta? Am vreo jumatate din ele, dar vroiam sa vad si cu restul, poate le avea careva, macar sa ne consultam. :unsure:

Buna ,sunt angi de ce nu le pui daca le-ai facut ??? sa vada si altii !!!

 Post subject: salut
PostPosted: 18/02/2007 12:10 

Joined: 17/02/2007 22:20
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:-) sunt angi ,am vazut ca ai dat examenul ,cate itrebari ati avut si vi s-a dat din Tru or Fals , ati avut intrebari din ex . cu imperecherea coloanelor ??? eu nu am reusit sa le rezolv , daca le ai te rog afiseazale.. Eu am pus rezolvarile mele pe pagina forumului,dar nu stiu daca sunt corecte ???? :-( daca ai timp te rog verificale ,poate - mi dai un raspuns . Voi ati reusit sa va cumparati carti ??? pentru ca la centrul nostru nu sunt carti la profilul de limbi si e foarte greu de lucrat . Mersi. Pa,pa :-) angi.

uniquesmile wrote:
Si pentru mine la fel. Tot cursul practic elgleza. Am reusit sa iau engleza contemporana. Destul de greu mi s-a parut. De maine ma apuc de practica.Daca aflu ceva postez. O seara buna
:-) :-)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 18/02/2007 14:24 

Joined: 10/02/2007 13:00
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Buna. Ai intrebat la un moment dat pe forum ce fel sunt subiectele. La mine au fost 4 cu potrivirea raspunsurilor (matching), 4 T-F, restul multiple choice, pana la 20. Rezultatele la examene nu cred ca ai vrea sa le stii... :'-( Foarte multe, pe care le-am considerat ca si tine, corecte au fost ... :w00t: GRESITE!!!!!!1 Auzi, gresite!! :w00t: Si le-am verificat dupa sinteze si lingvistici online!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Never mind!!!!

La prima ta intrebare, cu pluralul, e 'the degree of solidarity between its components'

La omonimele inflexionale si lexicale asa am pus si eu -er, nu era corect!!

La exercitiul cu raspunsul 'glance' - 26 - sau la cel cu raspunsul ' bachus' - 75, nici nu mai stiu care, ca m-am enervat rau, raspunsul ales nu era corect.

 Post subject: multumesc ptr raspuns !!
PostPosted: 18/02/2007 14:33 

Joined: 17/02/2007 22:20
Posts: 31
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dar sper ca ai trecut macar ,cel putin asa am inteles din prima ta prezentare .
iti urez bafta mai departe la examene !!!! :-) daca vrei ne mai consultam in continuare ,eu abia saptamana viitoare dau din LEC , ma tem :whistle:
pa :-P
inca o observatie : numai tu si cu mine am afisat raspunsuri din cate am vazut, restul ......????? ce face ????? asteapta mura-n gura sau e secret ce au facut ???? Nu inteleg ajutorul de fapt ar trebui sa fie reciproca .... Poate ma insel ,nu stiu ,dar ar fi bine ca din cele peste 200 de vizualizari sa apara mai multe raspunsuri. Sau ma insel ???? te las ,pa :-)

bbseptik wrote:
Buna. Ai intrebat la un moment dat pe forum ce fel sunt subiectele. La mine au fost 4 cu potrivirea raspunsurilor (matching), 4 T-F, restul multiple choice, pana la 20. Rezultatele la examene nu cred ca ai vrea sa le stii... :'-( Foarte multe, pe care le-am considerat ca si tine, corecte au fost ... :w00t: GRESITE!!!!!!1 Auzi, gresite!! :w00t: Si le-am verificat dupa sinteze si lingvistici online!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Never mind!!!!

La prima ta intrebare, cu pluralul, e 'the degree of solidarity between its components'

La omonimele inflexionale si lexicale asa am pus si eu -er, nu era corect!!

La exercitiul cu raspunsul 'glance' - 26 - sau la cel cu raspunsul ' bachus' - 75, nici nu mai stiu care, ca m-am enervat rau, raspunsul ales nu era corect.

 Post subject: Re: si eu
PostPosted: 18/02/2007 15:01 

Joined: 10/02/2007 13:00
Posts: 26
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aly2006 wrote:
Habar nu am ! Eu ma gandeam ca poate sunt tot aceleasi subiecte!! :) La mine urmeaza CP - E. Poate ne consultam ...

sa inteleg ca si tu esti pe ... mai? :-) E dezastru cu examenul asta. Putini l-au trecut cu fruntea sus... Sau l-au trecut... :-D

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 18/02/2007 15:28 
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De ce nu ati incercat sa rezolvati grila pe forum? Poate asa aveati mai multe sanse :-|

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"Un om destept nu comite greseli minore"(Goethe)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 18/02/2007 18:01 

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Lancerago, m-am intrebat de cand am intrat pe forumul asta daca nu cumva cei de la spiru vad toate stradaniile noastre pe forumul asta si ne pregatesc niste examene de nu le iau nici ei.... :-P Teoretic, nu ar avea ce sa comenteze, odata ce nu ne asigura toate informatiile necesare, fiecare ar trebui sa se descurce cum poate.

 Post subject: GRILE L.E.C.
PostPosted: 18/02/2007 18:30 

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multumesc pentru raspunsurile de la LIMBA ENGLEZA CONTEMPORANA. ajut cu cea mai mare placere dar nu la engleza ca nu ma descurc.sunteti niste scumpe.bafta la examene! NICOLETA CALARASI

edit by lancerego: nu trebuia deschis un nou subiect deoarece exista unul deja.

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PostPosted: 18/02/2007 20:08 
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Lancerago, m-am intrebat de cand am intrat pe forumul asta daca nu cumva cei de la spiru vad toate stradaniile noastre pe forumul asta si ne pregatesc niste examene de nu le iau nici ei....

Un "brainstoming", chiar si virtual, nu poate avea decat rezultate pozitive asa ca...banuesc ca este si interesul lor sa pricepem cat de cat cate ceva si nu au motive sa ne puna "bete in roate" organizand examene "crunte".
PS: Subiectul LEC anul III nu este identic cu asta? Va rog sa-mi raspundeti ca sa stiu daca le unesc sau le las asa ;-)

Image Informatica ID
"Un om destept nu comite greseli minore"(Goethe)

 Post subject: lancerago
PostPosted: 18/02/2007 21:55 

Joined: 10/02/2007 13:00
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LEC III este acelasi cu Limba Engleza Contemporana. Poti sa le unesti.

edit by lancerego: Merci. Le-am unit.

PostPosted: 20/02/2007 23:27 
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Daca gasiti mai multe raspunsuri la LEC, va rog sa mi le trimiteti si mie. Multumesc mult.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 21/02/2007 19:46 

Joined: 21/02/2007 16:11
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Si eu am picat acest exam :weep: dezastruos nu am gasit carti.Oricum am luat rezltatele de la angi sper ca macar la restanta sa reusesc.Daca mai are cineva si restul-"Va rog sa le postati". pa pa

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PostPosted: 21/02/2007 22:20 

Joined: 17/02/2007 22:20
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:-) buna draga ,
imi pare rau pentru rezultatul examenului :weep: , sper sa fie bine data viitoare si sa te vad zambind :-) .Azi am avut examenul ,am luat 8, :whistle: La semantica matching atat am rezolvat :
1 d-1
3 a-1,b-3 c-2 d-4 e-5
4 a-3 b-4, c-5 d-1 e-2
5 e-1
6 a-1b-2 c3 d-4 e-5
7 a-3 b-5 c-2 d-1 e-4
8 d-5,e-2
9 a-1,b-5,c-4 d-2 e-3
10 a-4,b-1
11 a-5,b-1,c-4,d-3,e-2
12 b-4,c5
13 a-3 b-1 c-5 d-4 e-2
15 a-5
imi pare rau ,n-am reusit cu restul :weep: BAFTA !!!
maria roxana wrote:
Si eu am picat acest exam :weep: dezastruos nu am gasit carti.Oricum am luat rezltatele de la angi sper ca macar la restanta sa reusesc.Daca mai are cineva si restul-"Va rog sa le postati". pa pa

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PostPosted: 22/02/2007 17:21 

Joined: 20/02/2007 13:48
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eu sunt in anul 3 la engleza
si o sa va postez eu raspunsurile la LEC dar nu acum pt ca mai am de lucru dar diseara sau maine dupa-amiaza am sa le postez. :-)


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PostPosted: 23/02/2007 12:56 

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oare indraznesc prea mult daca te rog sa le postezi ca am examen in dupa-masa asta si sincer nu stiu cum o sa ma descurc.

Multumesc anticipat si raman datoare!

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PostPosted: 23/02/2007 13:38 

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Multumesc din suflet (si eu si bb-le din burtica). Pana la 14.30 mai stau la servici apoi ma duc si eu la examen.

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PostPosted: 23/02/2007 13:54 
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anayda wrote:
eu sunt in anul 3 la engleza
si o sa va postez eu raspunsurile la LEC dar nu acum pt ca mai am de lucru dar diseara sau maine dupa-amiaza am sa le postez. :-)

sper sa postezi aici raspunsurile...
cit mai curind.

Spiru Haret, Mate-Info, ID, an1

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